The photos below, except the one where Sonny Rios is with former presidernt Bill Clinton and Arkansas state representative Bobby Glover, are of The Sonny RiosVoice Studio students, past and present. Not every student's photo is displayed, since Sonny has had hundreds of students for the many years he has been teaching.
Sonny and Gwen Rios. owners of
The Sonny Rios Voice Studio, relaxing.
Gwen Rios sings "The Murmmers' Dance" during a Sonny Rios
Voice Studio concert.
Genna Ingram, as Wednesday,
in Village Tech's mounting of
The Addams Family.
Grace Rios sings during a Sonny
Rios Voice Studio concert.
Henry Thomas before one of The
Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Tracy Jordan, Las Vegas star and former student of Sonny Rios.
Julianne Marquez sings during a Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Warren Harris and Rebekah Harris
sing for the SRVS Christmas
LaShondra Lee gets ready in the ladies dressing room for a SRVS concert.
Byron Miño sings during The Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Mary Ridenour stars as Grizabella
in the mounting of CATS by the Artisan Theater.
Rubi Rogers before one of
The Sonny Rios Voice Studio concerts.
Former President Bill Clinton, Sonny Rios, and Bobby Glover, Arkansas state representative.
Jana Pruitt gets ready in the
ladies dressing room for a
SRVS Christmas Concert.
Aubrey and Jordan Barnes sing a duet during a Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Gwen Rios receives flowers from a fan after a SRVS concert.
Ali Sorensen, who now sings in New York, as she gets ready for a performance.
Bridget Beamon sings "I Have Nothing" for a Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
The Phantom (Sonny Rios) sings "Music of The Night" to Christine (Amy Haynes).
Michaela Musquez before one of
The Sonny Rios Voice Studio concerts.
Sonny Rios with Eva Brandys,
his accompanist from Poland.
Kip Brennen, country singer, sings for The Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Angela Hawkins-Byrd sings one
of her own compositions for
The SRVS concert.
Alyssa Freeman, great country singer, studied with Sonny Rios since a young girl.
Brenda Gibson sings "Quando men vo" during a Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Keith Bailey, accompanied by Sonny Rios on the piano, sings an operatic aria for a SRVS concert.
Stephanie Parsons, Branson performer, sings for The Sonny Rios Voice Studio concert.
Bowline after one of The Sonny Rios Voice Studio's concerts.
Lain Crew, Elvis Presley
imitator, with Kailey.
Students dance to "African Noel" during one of The Sonny Rios Voice Studio Christmas concerts.
Students as Santa's Helpers sing "Santa Baby" to Santa (Sonny Rios).